Data Privacy Coordination Committee (DPCC)


The Data Privacy Coordination Committee (DPCC) is in charge of the coordination of the implementation of OC 11 at CERN.

It is composed of the Departmental Privacy Coordinators as well as of ex-officio members, and headed by Anne Kerhoas.

Mandate of the Data Privacy Coordination Committee as defined by the Director General

“Each Department Head nominates a Departmental Data Privacy Protection Coordinator (DDPPC).
The DDPPC will inform his/her department on the policy concerning personal data handling and monitor the implementation within the Department.
The DDPPC will coordinate with other DDPPC’s through the Organization’s Data Privacy Coordination Committee in order to arrive at common implementation standards, practices and policies.
The DPCC will define common approaches to the implementation of the rights and obligations as set out in OC11 in order to ensure that personal data are handled across the Organization in an appropriate and harmonized manner. This will include, inter alia, the definition of common retention periods, review of organizational processes, consolidation of personal data handling and common approaches to records keeping and policies for data transfers.
The Office of Data Privacy will advise the DPCC.”

DPCC Membership

The Chair of the DPCC is appointed by the Chief Financial Officer and Members of the DPCC are appointed by their Department Head (see list of members).


The DPCC generally meets every month to coordinate its work and to define a common approach for particular issues such as retention periods, data protection training and communication. The Committee also addresses any new questions that have been raised in the domain of implementation of data protection.
Minutes of the DPCC meetings are available at the link below.

Targeted working groups are set-up by the DPCC to investigate specific subjects of interest and to elaborate procedures or recommendations. They are composed of the representatives of the departments the most concerned by the subject, and depending on the topic external experts can be invited as well.
The documentation of the activities of the DPCC sub-groups is available at the link below.

DPCC Chairperson
Departmental Data Privacy Coordinator - HR