Data Privacy Adviser (DPA)


The title of CERN's data protection officer is "Data Privacy Adviser" (DPA).

The DPA is nominated by CERN's Director-General for a period of three years, which may be extended or renewed by the Director-General at his or her discretion.
The DPA shall exercise his/her functions in an independent and impartial manner, and reports directly to the Director-General.

Since the 1st April 2019, Gabriele Thiede is CERN's DPA.

Mandate of the Data Privacy Adviser

The DPA as head of the ODP

  • is responsible for ensuring that the ODP fulfils its responsibilities and deliverables in accordance with OC 11.
  • informs and advises the Organization and its members of the personnel of their data protection rights and obligations under OC 11.
  • acts as the contact point on privacy matters, including concerning data subject access requests.
  • creates awareness regarding the DPA’s functions.
  • advises and makes recommendations for the implementation of OC 11.
  • monitors the data privacy protection framework and makes necessary proposals for its continuous improvement and alignment with best practices in CERN’s member states.
  • issues an annual report on the activities of the DPA and the ODP to the Director-General.

(Mandate approved by the Director-General on the 17.10.2019.)

Office of Data Privacy
Data Privacy Adviser